This survey aims to collect data to inform current occupational therapy practice. It has been developed as part of a PhD study at La Trobe University, Melbourne.

You are invited to complete this 15 minute survey if:

1. you are an occupational therapists working/or have worked in the last 2 years, in Australia

2. you work(ed) with ^adults who present with behaviours of concern (BoC) after an acquired brain injury (^^ABI)

^ Adults in this study, includes those aged between 16-65

^^ABI includes strokes; neurodegenerative conditions such as Multiple Sclerosis and Huntington's Disease (Dementia/Alzhiemers not included); traumatic brain injuries and brain changes as a result of a disease or tumor. 

Your participation is voluntary and anonymous. 

Your specific consent to participate in this survey is implied through participation, as is your extended consent to use this data in later studies related to the research.

Ethics approval for this study has been provided by La Trobe University: HEC22264. 

For a copy of the participant information form or any questions, please contact Ana Brown: 

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey.

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