Thank you for your interest in participating in QSOX - Queer Women's Substance Use Over Time.

QSOX is a study about alcohol, tobacco and vape use among lesbian, bisexual, and queer women being conducted by the Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society (ARCSHS) at La Trobe University, in partnership with researchers at the University of Melbourne and the University of Sydney. QSOX is also supported by our industry partners: ACON, LGBTIQ+ Health Australia, Quit Victoria, the Victorian Alcohol and Drug Association (VAADA), and Thorne Harbour Health. This project is funded by the Australian Research Council. 

Please complete this questionnaire if you would like to be interviewed for this project. This questionnaire will give us some information about you which will help us make sure that you are eligible to participate. Spaces are limited and completing this form will not gaurantee that you are selected for this study. You will be notified about the outcome by email.

For more information about QSOX, visit: or download and read the Pre-Study Explainer below.

This study has been approved by the La Trobe University Human Research Ethics Committee (REF: 23018), the Thorne Harbour Health Community Research Endorsement Panel (CREP/THH/23-002), and the ACON Research Ethics Review Committee (Ref: 202306).

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