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Project Information
Occupational stress is a significant workplace problem with high costs for individuals and society. A range of factors contribute to an increase in reported stress by workers and may include inadequate support from management, low levels of control, inappropriate task allocation, etc. To deal with this situation, we are developing a stress management application prototype. It is going to measure the stress coping ability of the users and provide appropriate support (at a later stage). We would like to assess the users' perspective of this piece of technology. We hope to learn how the use of a computer mobile application (Chatbot) can be utilised to provide additional social support to understand and manage work-related stressors.

You are eligible to participate in this study if you are:

· An academic or professional in full-time employment,

· Over the age of 18 years,

· able to read and speak English,

· In possession of a smartphone; and

· Able to use a phone with text messaging function

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