Paramedic Participant Information Statement (Approval S17-129)

My name is Peter O’Meara and I am conducting this research project with my academic and professional colleagues, Brian Maguire (Central Queensland University), Jan Jensen (EHS Nova Scotia & Dalhousie University, Canada), Paul Jennings (Ambulance Victoria), Paul Simpson (Western Sydney University) and Jeff Wall (Research Assistant).

Rationale for the research

In Australia and New Zealand, there are significant questions around research priorities, linkages between ambulance services, paramedicine academics and researchers, and the overall leadership role of the paramedicine discipline in the production of this research.

The aims/purposes of the research

The objective of this study is to collaboratively identify and develop paramedicine research priorities for translation into research projects that will enable positive changes in paramedicine policy and practice in Australia and New Zealand.

Possible benefits

Participating in this study will contribute to the development of an Australian and New Zealand paramedicine research strategy that will have the benefit of encouraging researchers, ambulance services, government, and the paramedicine profession to develop common goals for research, and assist funding bodies prioritize research applications. Completion of this study will create a unity of purpose within the paramedicine and out-of-hospital field, and make better use of the paramedic research capacity.

What does the research involve?

We are asking paramedics, such as yourself, to complete an on-line questionnaire asking about their research aspirations and opportunities to help frame further questions for later phases of this study. You will have the opportunity to participate in other phases of the research as it progresses.

How much time will the research take?

We anticipate that the on-line questionnaire will take 15-25 minutes of your time.


We anticipate no inconvenience or discomfort when completing the on-line questionnaires.

Can I withdraw from the research?

This study is voluntary and you are under no obligation to participate. There are no disadvantages, penalties or adverse consequences for not participating or for withdrawing prematurely from the research. Due to the anonymity of some data once you submit them, you might not be able to withdraw some of your data from the study.


The questionnaire data will remain identifiable if you consent to this. The data collected will be analysed on a group basis and the aggregated data published.

Storage of data

Storage of the data collected will adhere to the University regulations and stored on University premises in a locked cupboard/filing cabinet for 5 years. While reports of the study will be submitted for publication, individual participants will not be identifiable in publications or other dissemination mediums.

Use of data for other purposes

Your non-identifiable data from this study will be used in a thesis, publications and conference presentations and potentially in associated longitudinal research to monitor the research capacity of paramedics in Australia and New Zealand. With your extended consent, identifiable data may be used to undertake related longitudinal research and to potentially create a database of active paramedicine researchers and graduate research students.


If you would like to be informed of the research findings, please contact Peter O’Meara on (03) 5444 7870 or email

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