This research is being conducted by the following researchers:

  • Dr Jennifer Power (Chief Investigator): Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society
  • Dr Thomas Norman (Co-Investigator): Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society
  • Eloise Montiero (Co-Investigator): NAPWHA
  • Jimmy Yu-Hsiang Chen (Co-Investigator): NAPWHA
  • Dr John Rule (Co-Investigator): NAPWHA

La Trobe University and the National Association of People with HIV Australia are conducting a study about the experiences of Asian-born gay and bisexual men with migrant experience who are living with HIV.

In this study we are interested in hearing about the ways in which HIV affects people’s lives and the places where people seek information, care and support. We also want to know about ways the HIV sector can better meet the needs of people from migrant backgrounds.

We are looking for people to take part in an interview. The interview will take approximately one to two hours. You will receive a $50 gift voucher.

If you take part in an interview, your identity will remain confidential. We will not use your name or identifying information in any reports that come from the study.

If you are interested in participating in this study, please provide your contact information on the following page and we will send you some more information about the project.

You can also read more about the study by clicking on this link.

Your decision to participate in this project (or to not participate) will be kept confidential and have no bearing on your relationship with NAPWHA, members of the NAPWHA advocacy network, La Trobe University or any other HIV service.

For more information or if you have any concerns you can also contact the lead researcher, Dr Jennifer Power, via email to or phone 03 9479 8721.

If you have complaints or concerns that cannot be answered by Dr Power, please contact the Senior Research Ethics Officer at La Trobe University via email to or phone 03 9479 1443 (cite HEC21255).

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